Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Don't Worry be Happy!

Today, I’m extremely happy. The reason for my happiness is I’m cured off of my illness. For personal reasons, I will not discuss as what the illness was, but I can tell you that I was suffering from ‘it’ for the last 1 year. Every day was sheer painful and embarrassing. In that period, I consulted doctors and have underwent many scanning, none of it could determine as what my problem was.  All my reports said I was just fine and nothing to worry about. I was the sole victim and witness to this malady. With no insurance I spent $$$ form my pocket for both doctor and scanning centers. Doctor could not diagnose as what my problem was, and none took me seriously, as I looked healthy to them. Only I knew how much distress I was in.

With no medications I am cured now, and I owe it to my new attitude towards life. I am grateful to my creator who was kind to me all this while.  With his blessings, I made it.

If you’re like me who is suffering from a prolonged illness, there is a fat chance that you can be cured of your illness without taking any medications. A lot of illnesses are related to our life styles and our attitude towards it. Remember, the words of Charles R Swimdoll, "The longer I live, the more I realize the impact of attitude on life. Attitude, to me, is more important than facts. It is more important than the past, the education, the money, than circumstances, than failure, than successes, than what other people think or say or do. It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill. It will make or break a company... a church... a home. The remarkable thing is we have a choice everyday regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day. We cannot change our past... we cannot change the fact that people will act in a certain way. We cannot change the inevitable. The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude. I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 90% of how I react to it. And so it is with you... we are in charge of our Attitudes.”

With new attitude in life, I also incorporated the below for an affective result. And in less than a month I am cured. I stand as a testimony as what attitude can do to you!

1.   Eliminate stress. Stress aggravates your illness it causes hormonal imbalances. Which can throw you out of gear with respect to health.

2.   Improve your relationships. Relationships have direct effect on ones body and mind. A good relationship is directly proportional to ones happiness.  A bad relationship increases maladies! People who are happy are ones who maintain a healthy atmosphere. Improving a relationship does not necessarily mean pleasing others. It means you say “YES’’ when you have to, and say “NO” when needed. 

3.    Don’t carry unnecessary baggage like hate, heartache, etc. Every time you associate with a negative event, your immune system takes a toll, thus inviting all the ailments. Forgive the people and forget the event. There is no need of harboring hate.  The more you hate, the more ill you become.

4.   Believe in your creator. It does not matter which religion you belong to, what matters is your Belief in your creator. Do not preach your ideas of ‘god’ to others, let each one connect to their creator in their own way. Spirituality conditions ones spirit and boost hopes.

5.   Take up a hobby. An activity/s that challenges your mind is always welcome. Pick constructive activities where a lot of creativity is involved. Creativity of any sort sooths ones mind and to an extent eliminates tension. 

6.   Be positive. Being optimist is not an inborn quality it comes from practice. A lot of practice goes in to it. No matter what happens remain positive. Learn and accept the universal truth, which is “This moment shall pass too”.

7.   Don’t spend too much, be considerate of your money. Knowing you’re financially secured is a good feeling.

8.   Always perform your basic responsibilities, do not delegate. Try to avoid giving reasons for not doing things. Eliminate ‘‘excuses’’ from your life once for all.

9.   Make a decision to be happy and stick to it through thick and thins. 

10. Be honest and do not corrupt your mind and soul with perishable items. 

Well, I followed everything that I have mentioned here. In fact I am also particular as what goes in to my mouth. It worked magically for me.  I hope this works for you as well! Take care and remember to smile and to be happy. You’re as good as the next person. So don’t worry be happy! 

May god bless you with good health! 

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