I have moved to Phoenix, finally home!!
It is a wonderful feeling to be with my husband in our house. When I was in Canada, I lived in tenements. It is a good feeling to be in my house, finally. Having spent 18 moths in Canada, I can say USA is nothing like Canada. They are two different countries all together. In Canada everything is in limited while quite the opposite here in USA! What Large drinks we call in Canada are small/medium here! Canadians have one garbage bag, 2 tubs for the recycling (there is no limitation on recyclable waste) and everything is picked on the same day, usually on a Tuesday. While here in Phoenix it is quite the opposite. Every house here has two really big dustbins. One for the waste while the other is for recycle. They are picked on two different days. Mississauga and Toronto the places I spent most of my time were like a mini world with people m from all corners of the world. Americans and very little Asians or east Indians mostly dominates this place. Also, I observed Americans do not follow SI units; instead they have their own units. Fahrenheit, miles, feet are some of the units I am still getting used to. Americans use a lot of fractions. ¼, ½, ¾ on their direction signs and has a maximum of 75 m/hr while 60 m/hr is the maximum in Canada. Toronto has a very good public transportation; I am yet to find a bus in phoenix! Not to mention every two blocks here one will find fast food joints!! Finally, their accents are totally different!
I am so glad that I have got an opportunity to live in two best countries in North America and learn their practices, customs and ethics. I am grateful to my husband for giving me an opportunity to experience the finest things! Thank you hubby and I love you a lot!
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